Tuesday, November 9, 2010

a vision seen with faith and trust

Do i have lot of desires? :) May be yes :) Jinz is there to accomplish it. But theres also a fear that says... "will i.. " will i be seeing my desires accomplished" ... 
I am so happy with you Jinz that I actually wont need a list if things in my heart that i need to keep in order to see whether i am being satisfied by u as a wife :) My happiness is in u sweetheart. Its more to do with your happiness. 
Wives are not servants to their husbands. They have an equal portion from their life. When it comes to family, its always best that the guy makes a decision because that gives the wife a confidence about the family. When it comes to Church, the husband and wife have an equal authority to praise and bless the Lord and to minister. The Lord can speak through any of them. He can use even any single one of them mightily. And in some cases, He uses both as a wonderful team :)
A  vision that we saw yesterday, of standing up as a family.. is what the devil doesnt like. He doesnt like the whole concept of being in a family becos it creates a fellowship towards God. He instituted it in the form of Adam and Eve. The devil broke it. and he broke the fellowship of men with God. its an age long battle. going on since centuries and centuries.
We have to rise up with power. stand forth and fight in a war not fought with flesh and flood. But with prayers and supplications in the Lord.
There is a great prize that the Lord payed for us on the cross. 

1 comment:

  1. its indeed a great love that Jesus had shown on us.. indeed a great love that u have on me.
